Kades Kedungbendo Gelar Sayembara Tutup Semburan Lumpur

Agustus 31, 2006

Republika, Kamis, 31 Agustus 2006  20:28:00
Sidoarjo-RoL — Merasa kesal dan mengecewakan ratusan anggota masyarakatnya yang menjadi korban semburan lumpur Lapindo, Kepala Desa Kedungbendo, Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Haji Hasan menggelar sayembara menutup semburan lumpur.

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Genangan Lumpur Makin Tinggi, Tol Tetap Ditutup

Agustus 31, 2006

Target Penghentian Semburan Mundur Menjadi Desember 2006
Sidoarjo, Kompas – Genangan lumpur di Jalan Tol Surabaya-Gempol, ruas Porong-Gempol di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Rabu (30/8) kemarin, semakin tinggi. Akibatnya, akses transportasi utama Surabaya-Malang/Pasuruan itu ditutup total sampai batas waktu yang belum ditentukan. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Pesisir Timur Sidoarjo Mulai Tercemar

Agustus 31, 2006

Republika, Kamis, 31 Agustus 2006  20:53:00
Sidoarjo-RoL — Semburan lumpur dari jebolnya sumur Banjarpanji 1, milik Lapindo Brantas, Inc sudah mengalir sejauh 15 kilometer memasuki pesisir timur Sidoarjo dan pesisir laut selat Madura melalui Sungai Jatianom dan berakhir ke pesisir pantai. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Luberan Lumpur Ancam Empat Desa

Agustus 31, 2006

Republika, Kamis, 31 Agustus 2006
SIDOARJO — Luberan lumpur dari kolam penampungan III dan IV yang terus meluber sejak Senin (28/8) malam, menjadikan empat desa di sekitar jalan tol (KM-39.200) terancam. Empat desa itu adalah Desa Renokenongo dan Desa Glagaharum di Kec Porong; serta Desa Keboguyang dan Desa Permisan, Kec Jabon. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Gubernur: Lumpur Lapindo Ancam Ekonomi Jatim

Agustus 31, 2006

http://www.d-infokom-jatim.go.id/ (2006-08-31 15:26:57)

Lumpur Lapindo yang menggenangi jalan tol Surabya – Malang dapat mengakibatkan perekonomian jawa timur terancam, karena prasarana jalan utama tidak dapat berfungsi secara normal dan diperkirakan setiap bulannya permukaan tanah disekitar jalan tol ambles 5 cm.
Gubernur Jatim H Imam Utomo saat menyampaikan Jawaban Eksekutif atas Pemandangan Umum Fraksi-Fraksi DPRD di DPRD Jatim, Kamis (31/8).Foto:Yudi Baca entri selengkapnya »

Yang sudah pasti dan belum pasti

Agustus 31, 2006

Pernyataan Pak Menteri KLH ini bisa dimengerti karena beliaulah yang menjadi penanggung jawab layak tidaknya lingkungan hidup ini. Beliau sebagai penjaga pintu lingkungan. Namun pernyataan beliau akan sangat sulit dijawab oleh siapapun.

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Agustus 31, 2006

DARI MEDIA CENTER SIDOARJO (2006-08-31 15:11:24)

Upaya pemanfaatan lumpur Lapindo Brantas Inc (LBI) masih terus dilakukan. Kamis (31/8) pagi tadi, Lembaga Afiliasi Penelitian dan Industri, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) melakukan ujicoba pemanfaatan lumpur dengan membuat gardu jaga berlantai dua di pengungsian Pasar Baru Poorng (PBP). Baca entri selengkapnya »


Agustus 31, 2006

DARI MEDIA CENTER SIDOARJO (2006-08-31 18:07:01)

Setelah air dan lumpur dipisahkan serta mengalami proses penjernihan dengan water treatment plant (WTP), air itu harus dipastikan tidak mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya (netral) dan memenuhi baku mutu air bersih. Air yang bersih dan netral itu tidak hanya bisa dibuang ke laut, tetapi juga bisa dibuang ke Kali/Sungai, instalasi air di rumah dan dikonsumsi untuk air minum. KLH tidak menerbitkan izin pembuangan air lumpur, jika belum ada bukti air lumpur benar-benar bersih dan netral, setelah dilakukan water treatment.
Menneg KLH Rachmat Witoelar (memakai kacamata) saat dikerumuni wartawan di lokasi bencana luapan lumpur Sidoarjo (31/8) foto: mdj

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PERKEMBANGAN TERAKHIR (2006-08-31 18:12:25)

Agustus 31, 2006

DARI MEDIA CENTER SIDOARJO (2006-08-31 18:12:25)

Perkembangan penanganan bencana luapan lumpur Porong sampai Kamis (31/8) sore, menurut Koordinator Tim Pelaporan, Drs. Ec. Hariadi Purwantoro, MM, sebagai berikut:

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Agustus 31, 2006

DARI MEDIA CENTER SIDOARJO (2006-08-31 14:36:28)

Mulai hari ini (Kamis, 31/8) pukul 13.00 WIB jalur tol Porong-Gempol (Ambon) di ujicobakan untuk dibuka kembali. Uji coba dilakukan karena sejak pukul 10.00 WIB pagi tadi luberan air lumpur di km 39.200 telah berhenti setelah dilakukan penguatan tanggul. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Agustus 31, 2006

Published Nature online: 29 August 2006; Corrected online: 30 August 2006 | doi:10.1038/news060828-1

Mud volcano floods Java

Disaster-plagued Indonesian island faces new threat.Richard Van Noorden

What has happened?

Residents carry their belongings through mud as they evacuate their homes in east Java.


For 3 months a sea of hot mud has been gushing from the ground in Sidoarjo, East Java, 35 kilometres south of Indonesia’s second largest city, Surabaya. The steaming mud pool is growing at an estimated 50,000 cubic metres a day, accompanied by hydrogen sulphide gas, and now reportedly covers more than 25 square kilometres. The flow has not yet been stopped; thousands of people have lost their homes.

How bizarre… has this sort of disaster happened before?

The Sidoarjo disaster is an example of a ‘mud volcano’. Mud and gas accumulates when sea sediments are trapped in subduction zones, where one tectonic plate slides under another, and can erupt out of volcanic cones or simply from a crack in the ground. Mud volcanoes have burst on every continent, but are abundant in the South Caspian region (offshore and onshore Azerbaijan) and offshore Indonesia in the East Java Basin.

But the Sidoarjo mud volcano is rather unusual. It’s huge. And, says Sam Rice, a geologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, reports of the mud eruption suggest that it is a hybrid between typical mud volcanoes and hydrothermal vents. The mud is of an unusually high temperature (60 °C) and contains enormously high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide gas. This suggests that some kind of volcanic, hydrothermal activity is going on at the same time.

What creates the conditions for a mud volcano?

Achim Kopf, a geologist from the University of Bremen, Germany, who has studied mud volcanoes extensively, explains that marine sediment can be scraped off an oceanic tectonic plate as it slides underneath a continental plate. If the sediment accumulates rapidly and water is trapped in its pores, this can stop the sediment being cemented by pressure. The resulting reservoir of mud can be trapped underground. In the case of the East Java mud flow, the mud is thought to have come from a reservoir some 2.7 kilometres below the Earth’s surface.

And what triggers an eruption?

A number of things can create a crack that allows trapped mud to bubble to the surface; particularly earthquakes and drilling.

And in Java specifically?

In Java both of these things have happened recently. The oil and gas exploration company PT Lapindo Brantas is drilling in the area, and the gas and hot mud first spewed from the company’s drilling rig on 28 May.

Geologist Georg Delisle of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany, explains that the drilling apparently penetrated into the liquid sediment and created a connection back to the surface. The pressure then squeezed up the mud, like toothpaste from a tube. But it is likely that other connections were made to the surface, he adds — not just through the drilling pipe — because attempts to pump concrete into the pipe to block the flow of mud have failed.

On 27 May an earthquake struck and devastated Yogyakarta on Java, and this too could have cracked the ground, potentially helping to release the mud. But the quake’s epicentre was some 300 kilometres away from the mud volcano (making it only 2 on the Richter scale in that area).

The issue of what, exactly, caused this disaster is highly politically charged. It is still under investigation by police, the government and international experts.

Just how big is the eruption?

According to many geological experts, the scale of this mud volcano is unprecedented — at least on land.

In 1945, the Makran earthquake in Pakistan triggered the sudden emergence of three offshore mud volcanoes, and in March 1999 a mud volcano rose out of the water overnight to form Malan Island, 3 kilometres from Pakistan’s coast. It is hard to estimate the volume of mud created by such underwater eruptions. And, notes Rice: “Because the extrusion of mud and toxic gas occurs on the seabed it does not threaten human life and does not make the headlines.”

‘Well-kick’ — the sudden surface eruption of gas and mud during offshore oil drilling — is common, but usually stops after a few days. Delisle recalls a smaller-scale incident in the 1960s where a geothermal well in the Wairakei geothermal field, New Zealand, ran wild: it took 3 months to stop the geothermal steam that found its way to the surface alongside the original borehole.

Can the disaster be stopped?

Nobody knows. So far, nothing has worked. PT Lapindo Brantas’s senior vice-president Imam Agustino has been quoted saying: “The best-case scenario [for stopping the mudflow] is now mid-November, but I have to admit it might never be stopped.”

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* This article originally stated that Sam Rice was a geologist with the Cambridge Antarctic Shelf Programme; he is with CASP, which previously stood for the Cambridge ‘Arctic’ Shelf Programme.

DPRD Jatim Setuju Pengosongan Wilayah Sekitar Semburan Lumpur

Agustus 31, 2006

(2006-08-31 09:36:08)

DPRD Jatim setuju dengan pengosongan areal sekitar semburan lumpur panas Lapindo Brantas Inc di Porong Sidoarjo. Areal yang sudah dikosongkan rencananya dijadikan tempat penampungan semburan Lumpur seluas 95 Ha. Areal tersebut meliputi desa Besuki Kulon, Pajarakan dan Mindi, kec. Jabon. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Banjir Bandang, Ancaman Bagi Korban Lumpur Panas

Agustus 31, 2006

(2006-08-30 14:40:33)
Banjir Bandang, Ancaman Bagi Korban Lumpur Panas

Geolog Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Jogjakarta, Agus Hendratno, memprediksikan, November merupakan bulan beresiko tinggi untuk terjadinya banjir bandang di lokasi semburan lumpur panas Lapindo Brantas Inc (LBI). Sebab, tanggul yang ada saat ini hanya terbuat dari pasir dan batu (sirtu) dan rawan jebol. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Mungkinkah Relief Well Berhasil ?

Agustus 31, 2006

Banyak sekali yg ragu-ragu apakah “relief well” ini masih dapat diandalkan sebagai cara menangani banjir lumpur panas di Sidoarjo ini. Nah saya uraikan beberapa kemungkinan penanganan dengan relief well ini. Apakah benar para ahli LN berpengalaman dengan semburan liar seperti yg terjadi di Porong ini ?

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SBY Izinkan Air dan Lumpur Lapindo Dibuang ke Laut

Agustus 30, 2006

SBY Izinkan Air dan Lumpur Lapindo Dibuang ke Laut
Luhur Hertanto – detikcom

Jakarta – Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) akhirnya memberikan lampu hijau pembuangan air dan lumpur Lapindo ke laut. Tapi sebelumnya material tersebut harus diolah agar tidak mencemari lingkungan pantai dan biota laut. Baca entri selengkapnya »